Friday, 23 February 2018

Creative Writing on Other Languages Workshop 3 Acrostic poems

These can also be created by students who are very new to their foreign language.  These also encourage effective dictionary work.
First, you spell out a word. Then you look in the dictionary for words that begin with each word.  Note the third line includes a more complex sentence.  You don't need to have that there but it is an option for more advanced students.  These examples are my name. You can use real nouns or a topic.       
Gamine, généreuse, grande, garantie,
Intelligente, idéaliste, idiomatique, illogique,
Laisse les mots tomber comme les perles,
Lamentable, laide, légende, létale

Graciosa, guapa, gentil,
Intelligente, idéologica, ilusa,
Labré mi propia vida
Larga, laudable y legal.

Glänzend, gut, gastfreundlich, geduldig,
Intelligent, individuell, infantil, informativ
Laufe ich durch die ganze Hafenstadt,
Lakonisch, lässig, lästig, langweilig und launisch.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Creative Writing in Other Languages Workshop 2 Hello Goodbye Poems

These are so easy and can be used with any set of vocabulary. Examples are given here in French, German and Spanish. 

Start off the session with revising the main set of vocabulary – in the first example this would be school subjects. Revise also other relevant areas of vocabulary. Display all the gathered vocabulary on the whiteboard. For less able students you could actually provide the vocabulary on flash cards and let them pin them on the wall or on to a flip chart. They could even be presented electronically.       

Bonjour mardi, au revoir lundi 
Bonjour maths, au revoir anglais
Bonjour M X, au revoir Mme Jones
(This one revises days of the week and combines it with school subjects.)

Hallo Oma, Auf Wiedersehen Opa
Hallo Mutti  Auf Wiedersehen Vati
Hallo Schwester Auf Wiedersehen Bruder
(Here we are practising family relationships.)

Hola colegio, adios playa.
Hola frío, adios calor.
Hola alumnos, adios amigos.    
(This one combines seasons and leisure activities.)

This can be an effective way of linking two or more topics together. It is also possible to allow students to use the dictionary to find more words.