Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Fairies at a Christening


Do you remember what the good fairy said? “She won’t die but she’ll sleep for a hundred years.” She couldn’t completely reverse what the bad fairy had done but this helped.

Who are all of the fairies that arrive at a christening? What do they bring to the child? How does this work out in the subsequent life?

Take one of your characters: what are all of the influences on him / her?  The genes they were born with?  The way their parents were? What happened at school?  People they met in their life? Who was the most influential?

Or the fairies who were at their christening? What has been the greatest influence on your character?

Now write your story from the point of view of the fairy. Which gift did she bestow? How did this work out in the life of your protagonist? Does it counter or work with the other gifts? What does she watch him do? Does he interfere if things start to go wrong? Or does she let him be the master of his own life?

Have fun!   

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay