Why pace is important
The young adult has the dopamine charged brain that leads to
greater risk-taking. The adolescent is also under a good deal of pressure. They
are dealing with study, new relationships and par-time work. Anything written
for them must get to the point quickly.
Some of the risks we encounter
Facing uncomfortable truths
Laying self open to criticism
Doing something you’ve never done before
Holocaust risks
Talking to someone you’re shy about
Risk-taking (of their own making)
• Gemma
in Libby Bray’s A Great and Terrible
Beauty – playing with magic.
• Lyra
in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials
– always brave
• The
relatively naïve girls in Judy Waite’s Game
Girls become prostitutes
• Chamus
in Oisin McGann’s The Gods and Their
Machines flies aeroplanes and becomes an important pivot between three
warring factions.
Danger imposed upon them
• Mrs
Coulter / The Church in Pullman
• Snake
right at beginning in Bray
• External
war in McGann
• Aggressive
man - potential for STD in Waite
Relationships between plots
This allows for another problem
to gain momentum while one is solved.
E.g. Harry Potter: -
• Harry’s
longing for home
• Harry
being different from others
• Harry
and magic
• Harry
and friends
• Harry
and other enemies
• Harry
and Snape
A more subtle version
In Deborah Savage’s Kotuku:
The protagonist Charlotte comes to terms with who she is.
She also:
• Finds
the love of her life
• Understands
some of the mythology that builds who she is
• Comes
to terms with her friend’s death.
High stakes
There is often something really huge at stake e.g. a
relationship with the super natural, a strained relationship with a close
family member, the need to save the world, an extremely risky life style.
Car chase moments
The “car chase” moment usually comes as part of the climax.
There is often some sort of journey at this point in a YA novel.
Often a very immediate first person narrative is used. The
present tense can also give more closeness. This is often the voice of a young
adult a telling a best mate what is actually happening without overanalysing
it. Thus the reader shares the growth.
And suddenly moments
Twists and turns
Cliff hangers
Other aids
• Short
• Short
Reading Exercise
Look at how a YA book of your choice achieves pace.
Writing exercise
Write two or three scenes of your work in progress showing a
fast pace.