Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Technology enhanced learning

Or TEL for short.  Yes, I’m into that and in my current post I’m the TEL champion which means I’m supposed to encourage my colleagues to use “technology” in their teaching. The broad interpretation of this is that everyone should be doing whizzy things with computers. The day to day reality is that I’m often asked to explain the mechanics of Blackboard, our Virtual Learning Environment or trouble-shoot problems with Turnitin, the platform through which our students submit their work

TEL champions want to drop the ‘T’

We recently had a day when a group of TEL champions worked together. In the first half we were give a presentation on the newest features of Blackboard. In the second half we worked in groups, discussed certain matters and then wrote ideas on post-it notes that we attached to flip-chart sheets which we pinned to the wall.  Not a computer in sight and very few people looking at their phones, tablets or lap-tops. It was still a “technology” however. Sitting round a table talking quietly to a small group of people is also a technology.